Basic implementation of servos

With all of the dependencies installed, what comes next?

Now that you are in the Driving/ directory, let's take a look around. Run the command


And you'll see the following output:

  • Servos/ - The folder containing all servo configurations as a .csv file

  • - A file containing the Dynamixel class and setup utilities

  • - A file that implements by hosting a UDP server

Make a new file called <your name> with the following code:

touch <your name>
# For example, Bob would do

Now that this file exists, you can start editing the code. Open the file in a text editor of your choice, or by using this command:

nano <your name>

From there, we can start creating the code to interface with the robot. Add the following line to the file you have just created:

from dynamixels import initialise_dynamixel

This will tell Python to include the initialise_dynamixel function for later use. Looking inside, the definition of the function includes some information about its usage.

Last updated